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·亚州第一瀑——贵州黄果树大瀑布  ·原始天造的自然美景——湖南武陵源天子山  ·黑龙江镜泊湖瀑布——中国最大的火山瀑布  ·山东青岛机场[高清图片]  ·环崇明岛国际女子公路自行赛摄影比赛即将开始 超级大奖等您拿  ·商务部明确禁止可口可乐收购汇源  ·天津天后宫:中国三大天后宫之一  ·每周影人:广西摄影家杨瑾(2010.9.13-2010.10.19)  ·重庆大足石刻:中国石窟艺术的璀璨明珠  ·优秀影人:天津摄影家王建明(2011.7.24-2011.8.7)  ·云南丽江黑龙潭风光  ·中岳文化传八方 河南大嵩山旅游圈何日破茧成蝶  ·塞舌尔库瑞尔岛风光  ·改革开放三十周年之现代工业的精彩瞬间  ·每周影人:山东摄影家张琳(2009.9.14-2009.9.20)  

Art Catalog CN-214
“Beauty is momentary in the mind – the fitful tracing of a portal – but in the flesh it is immortal.” ----Wallace Stevens (1879-1955)  
Negative “image formula photogr...

Art Catalog CN-241
'There are two tragedies in life – one is not to get your heart's desire – second the other is to get it.' ----George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
Invert study color and events in...

Art Catalog CN-242
'Every cause produces more than one effect.”'----Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)
Assumption that photography should be both defined and tested for – in terms of the repeat infinite...

Journal CN-243
'I have weathered the storm – I have beaten out my exile.' ----Ezra Pound (1885-1972)
Shanghai – Northeast Hongkou District – EST 1958 area of 260 acres – 47 acres, being wa...

Art Catalog CN-226
'Let the great world spin forever down the ringing grooves of change. '----Alfred Tennyson (1809-0892)
Shanghai–Zhenru Park winter blossom – alluring phenomenon images found...

Journal CN-227
“The deed is all – and not the glory.” ---- Johann Von Goethe (1749-1832)
Yuhuatai area – Zhong Hun martyrs memorial – corridor and Zhong Hun pavilion
Important Chinese hist...

群 Crowds 
Journal CN-258
“it was the best of times – it was the worst of times.”
______Charles dickens
Shanghai CBD off bund area Nanjing road (east)
Crowds – normal spring day in city cente...


浮雕 Mall 
Catalog CN-256
“War is at best barbarism – its glory is all moonshine.
__________William Sherman (1820-1891)
Shanghai CBD far north end Bund.
Mall – monument colossal with las...

Luxun Museum
Journal CN-232
“For famous men have the whole earth as their memorial.”
----Pericles (495-429)
Shanghai CBD Luxun Museum, about Chinese famous philosopher-writer who promoted new styles...

Journal CN-246
“A community is like a ship everyone ought to be prepared to take the helm.”
----Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906)
Shanghai Heping-Park punting boats without poles, photographic subjec...

Journal CN-233
“Remember me when I am gone away – gone far away – into the silent land.”
----Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919)
Yuhuata Area Zhonhun martyrs memorial, Nanjing City. Statue of m...

Journal CN-239
“From each according to his abilities – to each according to his needs”
----Karl Marx (1818-1883)
Yuhuatai, Nanjing City, a scenic park of over 153 Hectors comprise historic...

Catalog CN-247
“The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.”
----William James (1842-1910)
Zhu Qizhan - Artist 
Zhu Qizhan Art museum Shanghai (Resident)

Zhongshan Ling
Journal CN-240
“One discovers in it after all – a place for the genuine.”
----Marianne Moore (1887-1972)
Zhongshan Ling Park, Nanjing City area, feature number of attractions importa...


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